postdoc - Quantum optics, matter wave interferometry, quantum gravity
AtomChip Group, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Beer sheva, Israel
Job posting number: #7176083
Posted: September 4, 2023
Job Description
Open positions for experimental work in quantum physics. Our group has ongoing experiments in Dark-Matter searches, Yb optical lattice clock for fundamental studies, Atom interferometry for probing the quantum-gravity interface, Nano-diamond interferometry for tests of quantum-gravity, as well as numerous quantum technology projects.We offer very competitive conditions, including excellent fellowships, relocation packages and travel funds.
A few words about the location. Beer Sheva is one hour by train south of Tel-Aviv and Ben-Gurion airport. For those who like traveling, it is surrounded by exotic desert landscapes, with amazing archaeology, geology and wildlife. It is but a short drive from Egypt, Jordan, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.